Monday, July 25, 2011

principles of Godly Complaint

Now the habitancy complained about their hardships in the hearing of the Lord, and when he heard them his anger was aroused. Then fire from the Lord burned among them and consumed some of the outskirts of the camp.
~Numbers 11:1 (Niv).

How may we appropriately complain bitterly about the circumstances of our lives? How are we assured of not provoking God's holy wrath? Well, it's got less to do with the New covenant reality than we'd think - God's nature hasn't changed. He still hates sin. Just because we're under grace doesn't mean God goes easier on sin.

Complaint Book

There's a way to complain in life and there are ways not to. The Israelites who aroused the anger of God complained amongst each other, stirring up more and more dissension, spiritual dishevelment and sin.

principles of Godly Complaint

Complaints like this only make our situations worse. Bitterness might feel good at the time, but it as a matter of fact has us on a road to nowhere.

The right way to render complaint and lament in the godly way is to go straight to the source, as Moses often did, for instance in Numbers 11:10-15. He puts his case straightforwardly before God and God answers - and there's no wrath in sight.

The Psalms of Lament

Whenever we reconsider lament in the Old Testament we're always drawn to the Psalms - over a third of this book is logged in lament; bitter distresses and complaint toward God, and at times, even at God!

Yet, a fact lost on many is, anthropomorphically, God's got very broad shoulders.

He can take whatever we can throw at him but this doesn't mean we should blatantly blaspheme and disrespect him - he is still to be awed.

It is healthy for us to immerse ourselves in the lament psalms when we feel life's unjust and unfair. We might find we have a thing or four in common with the psalmists.

And the many truth in this is we can only be delivered spiritually out of our distresses and laments when we deal directly with God. Complaining to others who're not responsible sufficient to guide us wisely can only make things worse; sympathy, especially, makes things worse. The last thing we need is sympathy; it keeps us lamenting. Empathy and encouragement to go on by reasoning differently is what we need.

God has a way of helping us when we vocalise our complaints with him; somehow we hear ourselves and his Spirit goes to work within us, medical us.

Finally, we always need to check the type of complaint we bring before God. A biblical complaint is to complain about the pain and circumstances of our trials, but never to finally resent them. We complain faithfully, trusting God; sure, we're honest with him but the allinclusive consequent must be to leave the lament trusting God to act agreeing to his will and not ours, accepting same. This is a mature lament.

Our spiritual delivery depends on having a trusting arrival toward God in our lament.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

principles of Godly Complaint

Monday, July 11, 2011

Great Price for $13.25

Philip Roth: Novels 1967-1972: When She Was Good / Portnoy's Complaint / Our Gang / The Breast (Library of America) Review

Philip Roth: Novels 1967-1972: When She Was Good / Portnoy's Complaint / Our Gang / The Breast (Library of America) Overview

For the last half century, the novels of Philip Roth have re-energized American fiction and redefined its possibilities. Roth's comic genius, his imaginative daring, his courage in exploring uncomfortable truths, and his assaults on political, cultural, and sexual orthodoxies have made him one of the essential writers of our time. By special arrangement with the author, The Library of America now inaugurates the definitive edition of Roth's collected works. This second volume presents four extraordinarily diverse works displaying the range and originality of his fictional art.

When She Was Good (1967) is the trenchant portrait of Lucy Nelson, a young midwestern woman whose perception of her own suffering turns her into a ferocious force, "enemy-ridden and unforgivingly defiant," as Roth would later describe her. A small-town 1940s America of restrictive social pressures and foreclosed opportunities provides the novel's background.

The publication of the hilarious Portnoy's Complaint (1969) was a cultural event that turned Roth into a reluctant celebrity. The confession of a bewildered psychoanalytic patient thrust through life by his unappeasable sexuality yet held back by the iron grip of his unforgettable childhood, Portnoy unleashed Roth's comic virtuosity and opened new avenues for American fiction.

In Our Gang (1971), described by Anthony Burgess as a "brilliant satire in the real Swift tradition," Roth effects a savage takedown of the administration of Richard Nixon (who figures here as Trick E. Dixon). Written before the revelations of the Watergate scandal, Our Gang continues to resonate as a broad and outraged response to the clownish hypocrisy and moral theatrics of the American political scene.

The Kafkaesque excursion The Breast (1972) introduces David Kepesh in the first volume of a trilogy that continues with The Professor of Desire (1977) and The Dying Animal (2001). The Breast prompted Cynthia Ozick to remark, "One knows when one is reading something that will permanently enter the culture."

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consumer Complaint Letter That Gets Results

Steaming mad about a stock or service? As a consumer, it is not unusual to touch (and even expect) an occasional problem with products we buy or services we receive. But if you're ready to rip someone's head off or give them a severe tongue lashing, you may want to reconsider. Giving the clerk or store employer a piece of your mind may make you feel better, but it may not get the results you want or deserve.

Product and aid providers understand that consumers expect to receive products that work and aid that merits their patronage. Most fellowships have policies in place for addressing the issues of unhappy consumers. Problems can normally be resolved speedily by speaking with a company representative. However, if you have tried to decide the problem to no avail, it may be time to take it to an additional one level: The Written Complaint.

Complaint Book

For some reason, fellowships seem to take a written complaint more seriously. But unless they are hopping mad, most people will not to take the time to write a letter. Beyond the possibility of resolving the dispute, the written complaint will serve as a report of the problem and your efforts to decide it. It may also serve to alert the company or society to a recurring problem at a particular location or with a particular worker or product.

consumer Complaint Letter That Gets Results

6 Tips For Writing A Letter That Will Get Results:

1. Get A Name

The idea is to get your letter to the right someone (someone who has the authority to do something about it) as speedily as possible. Sending your complaint to the wrong someone or addressing the letter generically to the "Complaint Department" will only delay resolution and cause you supplementary frustration. With a quick phone call to the company's aid number, you can get the name and address that you need.

2. Kill Them With Kindness

As angry as you may be about the situation, it's leading to realize that fellowships are more likely to reply positively, and even go above and beyond the call of duty, (think gift certificate) if the complaint letter keeps a civil and expert tone. A letter which includes calling the company or their employees by every name in the book, does not help your case, and in fact, may only serve to offend them.

3. Just The Facts

The problem should be clearly stated. furnish only information that is relevant to your complaint - what gave rise to it; location, date and time it occurred; steps you have taken to try to decide it; and names of employees who have information about the problem. Avoid telling them that your brother-in-law, Bob, had a problem with the garden branch five years ago, since it is not relevant to this particular instance.

4. The Proof Is In The Paperwork

Include copies of any relevant documentation you may have, including: receipts, contracts, aid agreements and warranties. You should also include copies of any previous correspondence you have sent to or received from the company about the problem. Keep all customary documents until the problem has been resolved to your satisfaction.

5. Be Reasonable

Any demands included in the letter should be uncostly and clearly stated. Since each situation is unique, there are no hard and fast rules as to what you should expect in the form of a resolution. It is normally safe to ask for anything you think is fair. asking for a full reimbursement of the purchase price, plus a free trip to Maui, is a question not likely to be met.

6. Bring In The Troops

There are some regulatory agencies and organizations available to support consumers in attempting to decide disputes. Some organizations' efforts are focused on definite products or services such as cars or real estate. A quick Internet crusade using keywords like "consumer complaint" or "consumer protection" should yield a wide range of beneficial sites. Since most fellowships and organizations are willing to go to some lengths to keep consumers happy, calling in the soldiery may not be necessary. Depending on the nature of your problem, you may state in your letter that you will be sending a copy to the great company Bureau or other accepted agency. It may be best, however, to give the company a chance to decide it before you call in the troops.

Consumer Resources

If the complaint letter you sent does not receive a response or if the results are not to your satisfaction, rest assured that options for resolution exist face the company or organization.
Better company Bureau -

The Bbb has 145 offices over the U.S. And Canada. Consumers may file a complaint online or touch their local office. The website also allows consumers to entrance company reports, tips and statistics.

Bureau of consumer security -

The Federal Trade Commission's Bureau of consumer security is in place to safe consumers against unfair, deceptive and fraudulent practices. Complaints may be filed online or may be sent to Federal Trade Commission, Crc-240, Washington, D.C. 20580.

State Attorney General

Each State Attorney General's office has a consumer security branch in place and many will allow consumers to file a complaint online.

consumer Complaint Letter That Gets Results

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Review Portnoys Complaint Book

The last time I used this book was read in the early 70  's. SAT  's in my library, yellowed pages, cover hanging by a thread, because more than 35 years. It has never seen a flea market or the bin donation. But for some reason I have it with me from house to house, and was longer than one of my husband. However, I moved hadn  't see each other until recently. I  'd forgotten what a fun ride.

 When this book came out, it was too hot to read the book. It has pushed theBag right over the edge to come in view of  "free love " attitude era.Alex Portnoy, a jew in their thirties and tried the handle with his life, gives a blow by blow catalog of his childhood, with its perfectly powerful stereo-typical Jewish parents, the use of yiddish expressions stunning rose very active (and very descriptive)  activity very early in his teenage years in his life, and relationships with several womenHe used and abused over the years.

 Alex is a character we love to hate. It is sometimes even angry (this may apply particularly to female readers), but as Roth  's the wonderful depth of Alex. Alex  's story takes place, as he unleashes his escapades on a  Dr.' s bed, with a strong spirit and a fun self-deprecating style. Sometimes it seems to set and go on a tangent, this is only the artificial bribes story.The return to the writing style perfectlya laugh in his face, joy strong.

 If I wrote the first play I read this, I would definitely go five star plus. Here and now in the 21 st Century, when only about what is happening, this material has not had enough impact in 1969. In addition to this, I still laugh out loud and can  't put it down, I like Alex  followed' s escapades over the years.

Portnoys Complaint Book