Friday, February 17, 2012

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

Complaint letters aren't always fun, but sometimes they need to be written. In many cases, if citizen don't complain, the problem department at fault (i.e. Company or government) won't even know that the problem that you and others may have experienced even exists.

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

Ultimately, legitimate complaints, by even a few people, can (and often do) ensue in great aid for everybody. Not only that, writing complaint letters can be personally useful too!

That's right. Writing complaint letters can be an emPowering and therapeutic experience! It allows one to take performance instead of playing the role of a victim and "nursing" an ongoing resentment towards a Company about poor aid or rehabilitation received. Once the complaint letter is written and in the mail one can "let it go" knowing that one has done something tangible and constructive about the situation.

Not only that, but properly written and handled complaint letters get action!

After I started writing complaint letters, I began receiving gracious letters of apology and contrition from senior executives together with bank vice-presidents and Vps of marketing for giant corporations.

Getting those in the mail, felt one heck of a lot great than "polishing" an ongoing resentment and getting even angrier the next time something bad happened. Sometimes I even get reduction coupons and free merchandise!

The 10 Secrets

Here are some strategies I have learned for writing complaint letters guaranteed to get attention and action.

1. Write To The Senior someone Responsible

It is foremost that you get the name and detailed mailing address of a very senior someone responsible for the stock or aid that you are complaining about. I generally try to write to the V.-P. Level. Never go below Director level if you want a serious response. Name and address information can be obtained from the organization's Web site or by calling the Company and asking for the name and title of the senior someone who you should write to.

2. Don't Send An E-Mail

When it comes to sending a serious complaint letter to a Company or the government, don't send an e-mail, regardless of what it may say on their Web site. E-mails are usually handled dismissively by low level "customer service" people. If you want serious attention and action, the formal written complaint letter is the only way to go. When it arrives in the Vp's office (yes, by snail mail!), it triggers a bureaucratic process that ensures that the right citizen will see your letter, and will act on it.

3. Keep It As Short As Possible

Preferably no longer than one page, two at the most. When drafting a complaint letter there can be a tendency to go on and on just to make sure the recipient gets the point. Keep it as short as possible, but without diluting the facts of your message too much.

4. Give It A Heading For Identification

Place a heading at the top of the letter with information that the Company or department will relate to, such as your catalogue estimate or buyer number. Make it easy for them to find you on their computer filing system.

5. Clearly illustrate The Situation

Make sure that you give all of the specific details needed so that the Company or department can verify your claim without you having to get into an endless game of telephone tag with them. Include specific dates, times and places, as well as the names of citizen you dealt with. If you're not sure of these details when composing the letter, call them back and ask for the specifics. (You don't have to say it's for a complaint letter).

6. Use A definite And Respectful Tone

I have found that the best advent is to use a definite upbeat tone. Remember, you are writing to a senior someone who probably sympathizes with what happened to you. Your tone should convey the message that you are the innocent victim and you understand that the Company wouldn't have done such a thing deliberately.

7. Send Copies If Appropriate

There can be cases where it is wise to send a copy of the letter to other parties just to make sure that you will get some serious action. For example, in a case where you have been told to write to the Regional boss of a program, it is often a good idea to make sure that someone in head office also gets a copy. I sometimes send a copy to buyer aid or buyer relations offices at the national level.

8. "Shame" Them As Much As Possible

Companies that claim and advertise high levels of buyer focus and aid do not like to be criticized in those areas. If you have a strong case that makes them vulnerable in one of these areas, use as much ammunition as you can to embarrass them in these sensitive areas. Modern marketing terms such as: buyer association administration (Crm), one-to-one marketing, most primary buyer (Mvc), and customer-centric focus, all tend to get their attention. Also, using such terms makes you sound like an authority.

9. Imply You Might Take Your Company Elsewhere

I always do this near the closing. Companies don't like to lose customers, especially long-time customers. Senior marketing citizen are well aware that study after study has shown that it costs five to seven times as much to recruit a new buyer as it does to hold on to an existing one.

10. Ask For An Early Reply

In the closing paragraph of your complaint letter, state specifically that you are expecting an early reply. Make sure that you follow-up by phone or e-mail if you have heard nothing in three weeks. Some Companies will send you an acknowledgement letter stating that they are working on your case and will get back to you within a week or two.

Use the above strategies and you are sure to get performance from your complaint letters. And, don't forget the old truism "the squeaky wheel gets the grease"!

To see a fully-formatted "real-life template" of a letter of complaint, go to the following link:

© Shaun R. Fawcett

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

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