Saturday, February 25, 2012

Book length - average length of a Non Fiction Book

Book length - average length of a Non Fiction Book

One of the questions that new writers all the time ask is "How long should my non-fiction book be?" In this report I'm going to attempt to retort that question.

Book length - average length of a Non Fiction Book

Book length - average length of a Non Fiction Book

Book length - average length of a Non Fiction Book

Book length - average length of a Non Fiction Book

Book length - average length of a Non Fiction Book

However, part of the presume that new writers find it difficult to pin down an retort is because the retort is so difficult. It isn't as level send as it seems.

First off, you need to make two decisions. Specifically, you need to decide what type of book you will be writing and how you will be publishing that book. For example, are you going to write an eBook and give it away as a bonus? Or are you going to sell it on Amazon? Are you going to write a beloved how-to and use a traditional publisher? Or are you going to write a textbook and sell it through university bookstores?

The form of the book often dictates the size of the book. While the topic will have a great deal of influence, there are many other elements you need to take into account. Many of these are marketing related.

First off, you need to fabricate a standard distance of a page. Some writers will claim there is only one standard distance of a page. Unfortunately, they never agree on what the standard is! Typically, fiction uses 250 words per page, although 300 is also a base value. Non-fiction typically has longer sentences and less white space because it doesn't have dialogue. 300 to 500 words are sometimes used as the yardstick, although 250 is also used. Personally, I, somewhat arbitrarily, use 250. But like all the numbers when discussing book length, you should reconsider them as yardsticks rather than firm numbers.

Now that we have the distance of a page -- even an arbitrary one -- we can go on to assessment the size of books and articles.

Take a look in your firm library. You will find that almost all your books are more than 100 pages long (about 25,000 - 50,000 words depending on your style). By fiction standards that is carefully very short - novella size in fact. In fiction, a short book is in the middle of 50,000 to 80,000 words (roughly 200 - 300 pages in paperback). Although Science Fiction and some other genres have been creeping up and can now exceed 400 pages (200,000 words). A typical "popular" firm book runs 25,000 to 75,000 words. Over that size is the territory of the schoraly or technical firm book.

Typically you will find that books groups simply after about 100 pages. The presume for this is related to the pricing of a print run. The cost to yield each book is related to the format size (e.g. Trade paperback, paperback, letter etc.), the binding, and the estimate of pages. This latter tends to be priced at the 100 page mark so beloved lengths tend to come in multiples of 100. For example most short fiction runs at 200 pages (about 50,000 words (romance, westerns etc.). The next step is long fiction at 300 pages (about 75,000 words). Extra long is usually around 400 pages (100,000 words) although it can go beyond.

Ultimately, you need to check the local bookstore to decide the standard size. You'll find that definite markets have a beloved size (or sizes). Some publishers will also list their preferences in directories like Writers' Market, although most now prefer to make the writer guess.

Of course, what you wish the distance to be, and what the actual distance will be can be quite different.

Book length - average length of a Non Fiction Book

Friday, February 17, 2012

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

Complaint letters aren't always fun, but sometimes they need to be written. In many cases, if citizen don't complain, the problem department at fault (i.e. Company or government) won't even know that the problem that you and others may have experienced even exists.

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

Ultimately, legitimate complaints, by even a few people, can (and often do) ensue in great aid for everybody. Not only that, writing complaint letters can be personally useful too!

That's right. Writing complaint letters can be an emPowering and therapeutic experience! It allows one to take performance instead of playing the role of a victim and "nursing" an ongoing resentment towards a Company about poor aid or rehabilitation received. Once the complaint letter is written and in the mail one can "let it go" knowing that one has done something tangible and constructive about the situation.

Not only that, but properly written and handled complaint letters get action!

After I started writing complaint letters, I began receiving gracious letters of apology and contrition from senior executives together with bank vice-presidents and Vps of marketing for giant corporations.

Getting those in the mail, felt one heck of a lot great than "polishing" an ongoing resentment and getting even angrier the next time something bad happened. Sometimes I even get reduction coupons and free merchandise!

The 10 Secrets

Here are some strategies I have learned for writing complaint letters guaranteed to get attention and action.

1. Write To The Senior someone Responsible

It is foremost that you get the name and detailed mailing address of a very senior someone responsible for the stock or aid that you are complaining about. I generally try to write to the V.-P. Level. Never go below Director level if you want a serious response. Name and address information can be obtained from the organization's Web site or by calling the Company and asking for the name and title of the senior someone who you should write to.

2. Don't Send An E-Mail

When it comes to sending a serious complaint letter to a Company or the government, don't send an e-mail, regardless of what it may say on their Web site. E-mails are usually handled dismissively by low level "customer service" people. If you want serious attention and action, the formal written complaint letter is the only way to go. When it arrives in the Vp's office (yes, by snail mail!), it triggers a bureaucratic process that ensures that the right citizen will see your letter, and will act on it.

3. Keep It As Short As Possible

Preferably no longer than one page, two at the most. When drafting a complaint letter there can be a tendency to go on and on just to make sure the recipient gets the point. Keep it as short as possible, but without diluting the facts of your message too much.

4. Give It A Heading For Identification

Place a heading at the top of the letter with information that the Company or department will relate to, such as your catalogue estimate or buyer number. Make it easy for them to find you on their computer filing system.

5. Clearly illustrate The Situation

Make sure that you give all of the specific details needed so that the Company or department can verify your claim without you having to get into an endless game of telephone tag with them. Include specific dates, times and places, as well as the names of citizen you dealt with. If you're not sure of these details when composing the letter, call them back and ask for the specifics. (You don't have to say it's for a complaint letter).

6. Use A definite And Respectful Tone

I have found that the best advent is to use a definite upbeat tone. Remember, you are writing to a senior someone who probably sympathizes with what happened to you. Your tone should convey the message that you are the innocent victim and you understand that the Company wouldn't have done such a thing deliberately.

7. Send Copies If Appropriate

There can be cases where it is wise to send a copy of the letter to other parties just to make sure that you will get some serious action. For example, in a case where you have been told to write to the Regional boss of a program, it is often a good idea to make sure that someone in head office also gets a copy. I sometimes send a copy to buyer aid or buyer relations offices at the national level.

8. "Shame" Them As Much As Possible

Companies that claim and advertise high levels of buyer focus and aid do not like to be criticized in those areas. If you have a strong case that makes them vulnerable in one of these areas, use as much ammunition as you can to embarrass them in these sensitive areas. Modern marketing terms such as: buyer association administration (Crm), one-to-one marketing, most primary buyer (Mvc), and customer-centric focus, all tend to get their attention. Also, using such terms makes you sound like an authority.

9. Imply You Might Take Your Company Elsewhere

I always do this near the closing. Companies don't like to lose customers, especially long-time customers. Senior marketing citizen are well aware that study after study has shown that it costs five to seven times as much to recruit a new buyer as it does to hold on to an existing one.

10. Ask For An Early Reply

In the closing paragraph of your complaint letter, state specifically that you are expecting an early reply. Make sure that you follow-up by phone or e-mail if you have heard nothing in three weeks. Some Companies will send you an acknowledgement letter stating that they are working on your case and will get back to you within a week or two.

Use the above strategies and you are sure to get performance from your complaint letters. And, don't forget the old truism "the squeaky wheel gets the grease"!

To see a fully-formatted "real-life template" of a letter of complaint, go to the following link:

© Shaun R. Fawcett

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Debt Cures divulge - Is Kevin Trudeau's most recent Book A Scam?

Debt Cures divulge - Is Kevin Trudeau's most recent Book A Scam?

Anyone staying up late at night has probably seen an infomercial promoting one of Kevin Trudeau's most recent "cures" books - weight loss cure and natural cures. I saw the infomercial for his most recent one, Debt Cures, and wanted to see what it was about. This record will highLight my caress with ordering Debt Cure$.

Debt Cures divulge - Is Kevin Trudeau's most recent Book A Scam?

Debt Cures divulge - Is Kevin Trudeau's most recent Book A Scam?

Debt Cures divulge - Is Kevin Trudeau's most recent Book A Scam?

Debt Cures divulge - Is Kevin Trudeau's most recent Book A Scam?

Debt Cures divulge - Is Kevin Trudeau's most recent Book A Scam?

Love him or hate him, Kevin Trudeau pushes people's buttons and gets them talking. Type in the title of one of his books and you'll see several complaints about his practices and then you'll also see some habitancy praise his books.

So I was skeptical about this new book and wanted to offer a review.

I do not like ordering on the phone because the habitancy on the other line have to try and sell you stuff related to the goods you are purchasing because it is their job but when I ordered Debt Cures online I can dream how bad it was for the habitancy who have to call in.

The book sells for .95 and .95 shipping and handling. Why so much for shipping and handling? Amazon can give you free shipping for orders over so why does this book cost so much to ship?

On the website,, it says due to higher shipping costs, higher fuel costs and inflation that they have to fee higher shipping and handling costs.

Alright fine. So after I order the book, I expect to be upsold a few other items. And I was not let down. On the website, Kevin Trudeau tried to sell me 5 additional products that if you bought would add over 0 to your order. That to me does not sound like a way to get out of debt. Not off to a good start.

Two weeks later the book arrives in a small box just like in one of the boxes you get from Amazon when you order some books.

The infomercial states that you'll learn stuff that has never been revealed before in any place else about the prestige and lending industry. After just reading the first 2 chapters I would have to disagree. Most of the stuff he wrote about is available for free online.

One of the main points of the first two chapters is that the banks, prestige card companies, and the federal government are all in cahoots to try and keep you and me in debt so we can keep manufacture them rich. This part is true. The prestige card associates love it when you just make the minimum payments on your bills. They do not want you to get out of debt. They especially like it when you miss your payment or go over the limit so they can compare a hefty fee and even raise your interest rate.

This is all true and can be read about on many prestige related websites.

He talks about the practices of the banks and prestige card associates and how the government lets them get away with Charging high interest rates and fees because they conduce money to their campaigns. Reading these episode will get you mad if you are not already at how much debt you have and how the lenders try and squeeze more money out of you.

Chapters 4 and 5 are where Kevin Trudeau starts to deliver on his Debt Cures promises. He offers actionable points on how to eliminate your debt, negotiate your debt down and reduce your interest rates. Some of this is also available online elsewhere but in the folksy way that Kevin talks, he makes it easy to understand and easy to take action by providing examples of what to do and say.

If you have a few thousand dollars and debt and use one of these methods to lower the number you have to pay then the cost of the book is already paid for even if you are overCharged for shipping and handling.

In a follow up article, I will cover the remaining chapters of the book and point out the remaining good and not so good points.

Debt Cures has a passing vote so far even though Mr. Trudeau has a less than stellar reputation. But do no let that get in the way of getting help with your debt problems. This book and others like it can furnish practical solutions to lowering what you owe and getting you out of the many burdens debt can put you in.

Debt Cures divulge - Is Kevin Trudeau's most recent Book A Scam?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Proofreading practice - Three Needles in a Haystack

Proofreading practice - Three Needles in a Haystack

Many proofreading practice make the mistake of confronting the student proof reader with errors in abundance. Every other line contains a spelling error, grammatical gaffe or stylistic slip-up. In reality, however, you're unlikely to find more than two or three errors in any document, particularly if said document has been produced by expert page make-up artists or seasoned typesetters. These overloaded proofreading exercises give the nascent proof reader a false anticipation when they start their careers; when they don't find themselves pinpointing ten to twenty errors per page, they think they must have missed something and self-doubt begins to set in.

Proofreading practice - Three Needles in a Haystack

Proofreading practice - Three Needles in a Haystack

Proofreading practice - Three Needles in a Haystack

Proofreading practice - Three Needles in a Haystack

Proofreading practice - Three Needles in a Haystack

So, the following piece of copy contains just three errors. As with any proofreading exercise, you may find the occasional grammatically intuit clause or a phrase that makes you a wee queasy. However, it's important to remember that your job as a proof reader is to find literal errors and eradicate any lack of clarity, not to indulge in hair-splitting over the occasional split infinitive or dangling modifier.

Allow yourself no more than ten minutes to perfect this exercise.

The Proofreading Exercise

Keep Your Pet Safe from the Dangers of Heatstroke

It is now, thankfully, a widely recognised fact that dogs left alone in cars can come to be the tragic victims of the kind of weather that commonly has most of us rejoicing. Agreeing to up-to-date evidence, when the external temperature is 72 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature within a car can rise to as much as 117 degrees Fahrenheit in just one hour. For this reason, all responsible dog owners plan ahead, to make sure wherever there going provides enough provision for their favorite pet.

However, the emphasis on the dangers presented by leaving dogs in cars has lulled many pet owners into a false sense of safety when it comes to protecting their pet from the hazards of hot weather. There is now, unfortunately, a normal consensus that our pets are safe in hot weather, just so long as they are not confined to a vehicle.

Nothing could be added from the truth. Either or not your dog is in a car, they are vulnerable to heatstroke if they are unable to effectively cool down. Some dogs are more prone than others. For example,

• dogs with long hair

• thick-set and heavily muscled dogs

• very young dogs

• very old dogs

Dogs who are suffering from a singular medical complaint or are receiving prescription medication may also be more at risk. However, it is a fact that all dogs can be potential victims of heatstroke. Luckily, there are a amount of very easy things you can do to cut the risk to you're pet. Avoid taking your dog out in hot weather at all, if you can. Restrict their practice time to the early morning or later in the evening, when it tends to be cooler.

If you do have to take your dog out in the heat, and you find you have to leave them in a singular spot for any reason, make sure there is fullness of shade, and leave a large bowl of drinking water. Make sure the bowl has a heavy base, so that it is less likely to be accidentally spilled or knocked over entirely.

When out walking with your dog in hot weather, carry a large bottle of water with you. Periodically, you can give this water to your dog. wee and often is the key here, retention dehydration well and truly at bay. Make sure your dog is well-groomed to reMove surplus hair. You wouldn't go out in the heat wearing an overcoat, would you?

If, for whatever reason, your dog has come to be exposed to inordinate heat and you are concerned they may be suffering from heatstroke, here are the symptoms you need to be on the lookout for: abnormally heavy panting, inordinate salivation, vividly red gums and tongue and, in very severe cases, diarrhoea and vomiting. If you encounter any of these symptoms you need to seek veterinary aid immediately, whilst cooling your pet as much as potential with cool water (never use very cold water, as this may induce shock). But, as always, stoppage is good then cure. Keep your pet out of the heat wherever possible.

The Proofreading Exercise, Solution

Did you spot our three howlers?

That's right, the first mistake was in the opening paragraph. The sentence that reads, 'For this reason, all responsible dog owners plan ahead, to make sure wherever there going provides enough provisions for their favorite pet', should read, 'For this reason, all responsible dog owners plan ahead, to make sure wherever they're going provides enough provisions for their favorite pet'.

The second mistake is tucked away in the seventh paragraph. 'Luckily, there are a amount of very easy things you can do to cut the risk to you're pet' should read 'Luckily, there are a amount of very easy things you can do to cut the risk to your pet'.

And I've deliberately concealed the third error in the final paragraph. Were you starting to think you'd missed it? 'But, as always, stoppage is good then cure. Keep your pet out of the heat wherever possible' should, of course, read, 'But, as always, stoppage is good than cure. Keep your pet out of the heat wherever possible'. If you successfully completed this proofreading exercise, congratulations! You may have what it takes to come to be a proof reader.

Proofreading practice - Three Needles in a Haystack