Sunday, October 9, 2011

A present Of Robert Ferguson Food Lovers Fat Loss theory - Does It Work?

A present Of Robert Ferguson Food Lovers Fat Loss theory - Does It Work?

The Robert Ferguson Food Lovers Fat Loss System, has become quite popular as of late. So I figured I would come out with a good impart for the citizen looking to buy this book or any of his programs.

Taking a look at the book from the cover it seems very tantalizing and not overly pitchy. And that is something that the citizen who are looking for true solutions not gimmicks verily impart to. The first good chunk of the book is a lot about Kirista's, Robert Ferguson's mother, story and how she overcame weight loss problems. Problems that she said all the time complex yo-yo dieting and losing and gaining fat all the time.

She then goes on to talk about diet traps and how she tried all things from diet pills to high-priced programs and ended up heavier than when she started. And for many more pages it continues with this story, showing examples of what she went through. Trying as hard as she can to impart to the majority of citizen out in the world who have gone straight through these problems as well.

After this it starts out on condition and weight loss concepts. verily probably a lot of things you have heard many times and just haven't put in your life quite yet. Here are a few:

-Establishing habits
-The Process of weight loss
-Emotional and social dynamics
-Weight loss is about lifestyle not dieting
-Nutrition and training

The main stigma that I got from the Food Lovers Fat Loss system is that diet should never be in your vocabulary if you are looking to verily lose weight. And that training should be easy to fit in, in any lifestyle. Here are some things I read in the book that I didn't verily agree with... He doesn't exactly state that he is anti-fat but he is very big in never eating egg yolks. For me that's a big no no. In fact all the nutrients in eggs is in the egg yolk. It makes the proteins more bio-available for your body and the cholesterol it raises, is your good cholesterol.

Next, he does no mention of any nutrient dense vegetables... Nothing green. He talks about romaine lettuce and so transmit but that will not do whatever for keeping you full in the long run and usually its method for going hungry. And if you look at a lot of the reviews this is a major complaint. That they are all the time feeling hungry. Fat and high fiber vegetables are valuable to keeping you feeling full and giving your body what it needs to lose fat.

Notice I said lose fat?

The third complaint I have seen a lot has to do with the idea he has about weight loss vs fat loss. Now, one simple question... Would you rather lose strictly fat, or would you rather your lose be a mixture of muscle, water and fat?

Duh, you all the time want to be maximizing the fat loss side of things and keeping as much muscle as possible. This is the extreme key to long term leanness. Muscle will give you a high metabolic rate, allowing you to burn fat forever, even as you just sit on the couch Watching your popular tv show.

Now, I will say that there is a lot of positives with the book. It teaches that all things revolves around habits and that is completely true. You have to break old habits and form new ones to ever have success at losing fat. He also goes on to explicate training and has detailed pictures on how to do unavoidable exercises. The newbie will greatly benefit from this section, and give them a solid platform to go into the gym with.

All in all the Robert Ferguson Food Lovers Fat Loss system is mostly going to benefit citizen who are completely new and know nothing about fat loss or training. If you are looking for something a tiny more advanced and has cutting edge idea's that you haven't heard before you might have to go elsewhere.

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